Monroe County Jury Information
The NYS Unified Court System would like to assure you that your health and safety remain a top priority for us as we resume essential court operations, including jury service.
What to Expect When You Appear:
Regular deep cleaning of court facilities with enhanced cleaning of commonly used areas
Limited people in courthouse
Mandatory use of face masks by court personnel and court visitors
Please bring your own mask/face covering
Temperatures will be taken at entry
Plexiglass barriers may be present at various locations (i.e. magnetometers, x-ray machines, assembly room desks)
Indicators, like blue tape, may be present in public areas to ensure physical distance of at least 6 feet (to meet social distancing standards)
Hand sanitizer for all court visitors
Please note the following:
Commissioner of Jurors will continue to provide jurors with public wi-fi.
Bring your own pen/pencil and take it with you when you leave.
Bring your own books/magazines/electronic devices and charges.
Jurors may bring their own resealable beverage and snack or food that does not require refrigeration.
Court Specific Policies:
Facility Plan (relevant portions) to be posted.
Please check this site or call 585-371-3856 after 5:00 p.m. on December 31st. At that time we will have updated reporting instructions as not all of you be reporting on the same time and date.
If you cannot serve as summonsed starting 1/4/21 - please contact the jury office by calling 371-3833 or by sending us an email through the link at
Thank you for your continuing cooperation.
General Information
Absence in case of Emergency: If illness or emergency prevents you from reporting, please call our office at 585-371-3833 after 9:30 a.m. on the day you are to report.
Accessibility: If you have a disability and need accommodation, call 585-371-3833 or 1-800-662-1220 for relay call.
Deaf jurors are asked to contact us as soon as practical to make arrangements for ASL interpreting.
Court Hours: Court normally operates from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with a lunch hour and breaks throughout the day. Court sessions rarely continue beyond 5:00 p.m..
Electronics: Cell phones and other electronic devices may be used in the jury assembly rooms and other waiting areas. They must be turned off during jury selection and trial. There is public access WIFI in the Hall of Justice.
Meals: There is a mid-day lunch break everyday. The Hall of Justice has a Food Stand which sell sandwiches, salads, prepackaged foods and beverages. Jurors can bring their own food, we have a refrigerator and microwave. Do not bring any meal utensils or glass bottles as they are considered to be potential weapons.
Parking/Transportation: The court does not pay for transportation fares, parking fees or parking violations. Check the link below to downtown Rochester for a parking map. Plan your trip accordingly to allow time to find parking and arrive on time. There is a wide variety of choices with different costs and distances from the Hall of Justice.
See City of Rochester's Parking.
Security: Court Officers are stationed throughout the court. Members of the public must pass through a magnetometer to enter. Please allow thirty minutes for security screening. Do not bring items that are potential weapons such as glass bottles, metal forks, knitting needles, pocket knives, scissors or any other metal utensil or tool.
Jury Pay: Please check with your employer as soon as you receive the summons. We will collect the information when you check-in on your first day of service.
Court Locations
Monroe County Hall of Justice
99 Exchange Blvd
Trial Jurors Report to the Central Jury Room
Grand Jurors follow instructions on your summons
Town/Village Jurors check your summons for instructions and reporting address
Commissioner of Jurors
Charles G. Perreaud
To contact the Jury Office
Phone: 585-371-3833 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Fax: 585-371-3850
Regular Mail:
Monroe Jury Office
29 Hall of Justice
Rochester NY 14614
Useful Links
Submit Your Qualification Questionnaire
Postpone Your Jury Service (Trial Jurors only)